Meare Village Primary School

“Today a seedling - tomorrow a flower”

St Mary's Road, Meare, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9SP

01458 860 228

Anti-Bullying Week 13/11/23 – 17/11/23

For Anti-Bullying Week last week, Draconis took part in acting out a short playscript in Guided Reading called ‘Excluded’. They each took turns to be the bully and two bystanders, and looked closely at expression and tone, features of a playscript and inference skills.

In PSHE, the children also explored what influences our judgements of others and looked at Maya’s story to explore types of bullying and what to do if we see/experience it. The children all showed their super knowledge of See It, Say It, Stop It, our school’s bullying motto. Super work Draconis!